Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist

Last Wednesday, our class was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at the new Will Eisner documentary, "Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist." I thought the documentary was extremely well done, interesting, and informative. My favorite thing about documentaries is always seeing and hearing the person behind the artwork. I think the filmmakers were very lucky in being able to actually interview Eisner and hear about his experiences firsthand. No surprise that the man behind such comic classics is just as charismatic as his work. He provided so many insights into his own work as well as the comic industry of his day.
I also enjoyed all the other interviews with Jerry Robinson, Art Speigelman and Gerard Jones.

1 comment:

calightning1 said...


Happy you enjoyed the Will Eisner

I would be interested in knowing
what you will remember most about
