Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Scott McCloud's Making Comics

Scott McCloud has done it again. Not only did he help me to understand how to better read comics, he now is providing me with the tools needed to make my own! In Making Comics, McCloud breaks down the various aspects that make a good comic book. I tagged pretty much every page for more review. I have a feeling by the end of this course, Making Comics and Understanding Comics will be extremely well worn in! While I by no means thought creating a comic book, graphic novel or manga was easy, I was not aware of just how much thought must go into every single detail. His emphasis on how even the smallest details in the background of a panel can reveal a lot about the character or plot line really struck a chord. The study of facial expressions is going to be extremely helpful when it comes to character design, as well as his ideas for creating a character and basing them upon concepts. I had never thought of doing so before, but it certainly provides another interesting dimension to their persona. Body language was something I've noticed in movies or pictures, but I had not realized just how much it could express in comics until I read this book.
I also really liked the exercises and notes he has at the end of each chapter. I have yet to do the exercises, but I am sure I will before I begin to create my own comic. I've never taken a class where I've had to create something completely of my own imagination, and I was really nervous when it came time to write the proposals. I've always liked to doodle and daydream, but to share my ideas with others was a terrifying thought! My main fears were, "can i make something interesting???", "what makes a good comic book story??" McCloud put these fears to rest when he explains that there is no right story for comics, and that one should write what they would want to read. His comment that even if all else fails there will be at least one loyal reader really made me smile.
On a side note, I'd really like to see the results that come of the 24 hour comic creation. Maybe we can get the class together for an all day (literally) event... ; )

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